الموجه الفنى للغة العربية
أهلا بك فى منتدى المتعلم أيها الزائر الكريم ، ستتم سعادتنا بانضمامك إلبنا ، فسارع بالانضمام إلينا
، لن يكلفك هذا سوى التسجيل فمرحبا بك لقد أسعتنا بمرورك وشرفتنا بوجود ك بيننا

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

الموجه الفنى للغة العربية
أهلا بك فى منتدى المتعلم أيها الزائر الكريم ، ستتم سعادتنا بانضمامك إلبنا ، فسارع بالانضمام إلينا
، لن يكلفك هذا سوى التسجيل فمرحبا بك لقد أسعتنا بمرورك وشرفتنا بوجود ك بيننا
الموجه الفنى للغة العربية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

نتائج البحث

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التبادل الاعلاني
احداث منتدى مجاني
أبريل 2024

اليومية اليومية


لقد نسيت كلمة السر

الضف الأول الثانوى - الترم الأول - منفقول - أ / مصطفى عبد الله - المدرس الأول المشرف

اذهب الى الأسفل

الضف الأول الثانوى - الترم الأول -  منفقول -  أ / مصطفى عبد الله - المدرس الأول المشرف Empty الضف الأول الثانوى - الترم الأول - منفقول - أ / مصطفى عبد الله - المدرس الأول المشرف

مُساهمة من طرف يحيى حمدون 2009-12-13, 04:57

 Nabawiya Musa : ( early 20th century feminist / educationalist )

 Dr Zahi Hawass : ( archaeologist )

Thank you Dr Farouk El-Baz

 Ramy Ashour wins in Canada

 Dr. Ahmed Zewail

 Neil Armstrong

 Dr Samira Moussa : ( Nuclear Scientist ) : عالمة نووية
 Naguib Mahfouz : (Nobel Laureate / Author) :حاصل على نوبل

 Definitions
1- Astronaut رائد فضاء
- Someone who travels and works in space.( space man)

2- Geologist : عالم جيولوجى
- A scientist who studies what the earth is made of, how it was made and how it has changed over time.
OR someone who studies rocks and their history.

3- Headmistress : ( female) ناظرة
- A teacher who is a woman and the leader of a school.

4- Headmaster : ( male) ناظر
- A teacher who is a man and the leader of a school.

5- Archaeologist : عالم أثار
- A person who studies buildings and tools from the past.

6- Jewellery : مجوهرات
- Things that people wear round their neck, fingers, etc.
- Things that is made of gold can be very expensive.

7- Statue : تمثال
- A shape, sometimes a person or animal, made of stone or metal.

8- Ancient : (مرتبط بحضارة قديمة) قديم
- Very old, historical.

9- Soil : التربة الزراعية
- The layer on the earth in which plants grow.

10- Space : الفضـــاء
- The area outside the earth's atmosphere.

11- Underground (adj) : تحت الأرض - جوفى
- Under the surface of the earth.

12- The underground (n) :مترو الأنفاق
- The metro.

13- Junior : مسابقة للشباب
- A kind of competition for young people.

14- Expert :خبيـر
- Someone who knows a lot about a subject or is, very good at something.
- A person with special skill or training.

15- Photography :التصوير الفوتوغرافى
- Taking pictures with a camera.

16- Professional : محترف
- Doing something as a job or for money

17- Major : رئيسى/ أساسى
- Big, very important

18- Quiz : مسابقة
- Game where people answer questions.
Vocabulary :

* Job :وظيفة ( اسم يعد )
يأتى قبلها ( a ) وتجمع Jobs
* Work : عمل ( اسم لا يعد )
لا يأتى قبلها ( a ) و لا تجمع
* Career : الحياة المهنية
* Profession :مهنة تحتاج لمؤهلات
* Occupation :
مهنة ( فى الأوراق الرسمية )
- My father has got a job as a doctor.
- I have a lot of work to do.
- When does she leave work?
* award :جائزة
* reward :مكافئة
* present :هدية
* a ward : ( جناح / عنبر ) فى مستشفى
- Dr Zewail won this award 3 weeks ago.
- The teacher gave Menna this pen as a reward.
- My uncle gave me a present on my birthday party.
- Take this patient to a ward No. Four.

* ( grow (v) – grew – grown ) :ينمو
* ( grow up (v) – grew up – grown up ) :ينضج ( يتحول من طفل إلى شخص عاقل )

- Plants rarely grow in the desert.
- When he grew up, he got a good job.

* Biography :قصة حياة شخص يكتبها له شخص أخر
* Autobiography :قصة حياة شخص يكتبها بنفسه
- Anwar El Sadat wrote his autobiography.
- The journalist wrote the biography of this famous woman.

* Hear :يسمع شئ بدون قصد
* Listen to :ينصت إلى ( يسمع بقصد )
- While I was walking in the street, I heard someone crying.
- I always listen to the Holy Quran in the morning.

* other + ( اسم جمع )
* another + ( اسم مفرد ) أو ( رقم )

- I will buy other countries.
- I will read another story.
- I will buy another two books.

* ( bear (v) – bore – born ) :يلد
* ( bear (v) – bore – borne ) :يتحمل
- Menna was born in 2007.
- Your insults can’t be borne.

* ( 's ) : لإضافة الملكية للمفرد
* ( s' ) : لإضافة الملكية للجمع

- Girl’s school :مدرسة البنت
- Girls’ school :مدرسة البنات

* later :فيما بعد
* latter :الآخر
- I’ll discuss the matter with you later.
- The latter choice is better.

Note The Following


Questions & Answers
1- Why is Nabawiya Musa famous ?
----» Because was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school.
2- What did Nabawiya Musa do when she became older ?
----» She helped other women to succeed in education and work.
3- What did Nabawiya Musa do in 1908 ?
----» She wrote a book about girls’ education.
4- What did Nabawiya Musa work after writing a book ?
----» She became the headmistress of Al-Mohammadia school for girls’.
1- What is the job of Dr Zahi Hawass ?
----» He is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world.
2- Where does he speak and write ?
----» He often speaks on radio and TV. He sometimes writes in a magazine called
“ Egypt Today”.
3- What does he want? Why?
----» He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt from museums outside Egypt.
Because Egyptian people don’t see these things if they are in other countries.
4- What would Dr Hawass like to be in Egypt?
----» The Rosetta Stone.
1- What is the difference between the rain now and two million years ago ?
----» Now it only rains every 20 – 50 years in the Western Desert. Two million years
ago very heavy rain fell and a huge quantity of water collected under the desert
2- Why should we thank Dr Farouk El-Baz ?
----» Because he found the underground water.
3- What does Dr El-Baz do ?
----» He is a space scientist and a geologist.
4- Where and when was Dr El-Baz born and educated ?
----» He was born in Zagazig, in Egypt in 1938. He was educated at Ain Shams
5- What is the job of Dr El-Baz ?
----» He is the director of Remote Sensing at Boston University in the USA.
6- What is he expert in ?
----» He is the world’s greatest expert in remote sensing.

7- What is remote sensing ?
----» It is the use of Satellites find water under the desert.
8- How was the underground water found in Sinai ?
----» By photographs which Dr El-Baz took from satellites.
9- How long did Dr El-Baz work on the American Apollo Space Project ?
----» From 1967 to 1973.
10- How did Dr El-Baz advise astronauts who landed on the moon ?
----» He gave them advice on where to land and how to collect rocks and soil on the
11- What do you think of Dr El-Baz ?
----» He is loyal to his homeland, Egypt. Although he works in America, he never
forgets Egypt.
12- How did Dr El-Baz help Egypt ?
----» His photographs which he tool from satellites helped us to find a huge quantity of underground in the Western Desert.
1- Where and when was Ramy Ashour ?
----» In Cairo, in September 1987.
2- What did Ramy win at the age of sixteen?
----» He became the youngest player to win the Men’s World Junior Squash
3- How many times did he win the Men’s World Junior Squash Championship?
----» Two times. The first one was in 2003 and 2006.
1- When and Where was Ahmed Zewail born ?
----» In 1946, in Egypt.
2- Where did he study ? Where did he finish his studies ?
----» He studied in Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the United States.
3- When and where did he became a professor ?
----» In 1976 at the California Institute of Technology.
4- When and why did he win the Benjamin Franklin Prize ?
----» In 1997, at the age of 52. Because he discovered the femto second.
5- What is the femto second ?
----» It is one millionth of one billionth of a second.
6- What did Dr Zewail get the Nobel Prize for ?
----» He got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
7- Where does Dr Zewail live now ?
----» He now lives in California.
8- How many children does he have ?
----» He has four children.
9- What is the job of his wife ?
----» His wife Dema Zewail is a doctor.

10- What does he do now ?
----» He now helps scientists to make new medicines.
1- What was Neil Armstrong famous for ?
----» He was the first man to walk on the moon.
2- When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon ?
----» In 1969.
3- With whom did Neil Armstrong go to the moon ?
----» With Buzz Aldrin.
4- How long did they stay on the moon ?
----» For nearly 90 minutes in the first day. In the next day, they collected rocks and
soils, took a lot of photographs and sent back more TV pictures to the earth.
Creative Questions
1- How can scientists like Dr El-Baz change lives of people ?
----» They can help people to find water, oil and metals under deserts. Water will
change the deserts into green land. Oil and metals are important for industry.
2- What qualities can make such great scientists like Dr El-Baz ?
----» A successful scientist must be hard-working, intelligent, clever, careful and knowledgeable.
3- Can these qualities make sports stars like Ramy Ashour, as well ?
----» Yes. A sports star must be hard working, clever, intelligent, patient, careful and
train hard everyday.
4- What can great scientists and sports stars give back to their countries ?
----» First, their countries are proud of them. They set examples to young people. And
they can help their countries each in his field.
5- Should all successful people give something back to society ?
----» Yes. Because they grow up, educated and became successful with the help of the society.
6- Do you think Ramy felt surprised when he won the Junior Squash
Championship ? Why?
----» Yes, because he didn’t expect so.
7- Why do you think, did Ramy Ashour become such a good squash player ?
----» Because he was born of a sporty family, his elder brother is a squash player, too.

يحيى حمدون
يحيى حمدون
إدارة الموقــــــــــع
إدارة  الموقــــــــــع

عدد المساهمات : 156
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/05/2009
العمر : 60


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